This document constitutes the "Terms & Conditions" to use the financial services of the eReja Electronic Money Institution. Acceptance of these terms constitutes a binding agreement between the Customer and the eReja Financial Electronic Money Institution. By signing this document and following the online Registration, you agree that you are registered as a Customer at the eReja Institution and that these Terms & Conditions will apply while using the respective service.
You must be fully aware of and understand these Terms & Conditions for using the eReja Service before signing this Contract. If you do not agree with these Terms & Conditions, you should restrain from registering and/or using the eReja app. Service.
This Contract is drafted in Albanian and English language. For interpretation purposes, the Albanian version will prevail.
- "Agent of eReja" shall mean the trade person contracted by the eReja Institution to perform certain tasks related to the Services in the eReja app. in the Republic of Albania.
- "Electronic Money Purchase" shall mean any purchase by the Customer of cash with an Agent, against the equivalent amount of Electronic Money credited to the Customer's Account.
- "Currency" shall mean the currency ALL or EUR, with which the eReja Institution operates. Any other amount that can be paid by international entities to the eReja Institution platform can be recognized and/or converted based on the daily exchange rate updated by the Bank of Albania and calculated by the platform as equivalent amounts in the Albanian currency ALL.
- eReja Platform/App. shall mean the electronic app. through which financial transactions will be processed based on the services provided by eReja Institution. The application can be used on IOS, Android and Windows systems in various electronic devices (mobile, tablet, computer, etc.), enabling the performance of various financial operations as eligible in the system
- "Electronic money" shall mean electronic payment instruments issued by the eReja Institution that enable their holder to make electronic payments.
- "Point of Sale" shall mean any store, retail unit that is run by an Agent.
- "Debit" shall mean the withdrawal of funds out of the Customer's Account as a result of a transaction performed by the Customer.
- The "eReja Website" shall refer to the eReja Institution website . .
- "Customer" shall mean the person in whose name an eReja Institution Services Account is registered.
- "Terms of Use" shall mean these Terms & Conditions as may be amended from time to time.
- “Klient Aktiv i eReja” është çdo klient i regjistruar Institucioni eReja, individ, i cili në çastin e regjistrimit është mbi 18 vjeç, dhe që ka nënshkruar Termat dhe Kushtet për ofrimin e Shërbimit Institucioni eReja, i cili aktivizon Llogarinë eReja në pajisjen celulare dhe është në gjendje të dërgojë, marrë dhe të këmbejë para në dorë ‘cash’ në para elektronike.
- "Passive eReja Customer" or "Beneficiary" shall mean the subscriber of any public communication network operator, who is not registered as a Customer of eReja Company, but who is able to receive Electronic Money initiated by eReja Customer, and exchange them for cash with one of the Agents of the eReja Institution.
- "Account" shall mean the account of the Active eReja Customer for the use of the Services in the eReja application, where the registration of the amount of Electronic Money kept by the respective Customer and corresponding to an equivalent amount of cash is made by the eReja Institution on behalf of the Customer.
- "eReja Institution Account" shall mean the bank account maintained by eReja, where all payments are made and maintained by the designated bank on behalf of the Customer.
- "Contract" shall mean these Terms & Conditions of eReja Service together with the Registration Form, Annexes, Customer Manual, Customer's Guidelines, Fee List as well as other Terms & Conditions announced from time to time according to the legislation in force and regulations adopted pursuant to the legislation in force, which together constitute an integral part of the Agreement.
- "Customer Service" shall mean the Service Centre of the eReja Customer Care Institution on the +355 69 20 88 200 telephone number.
- “Shitësi/Tregtari” në kuptim të kësaj Marrëveshje, është një shitës Mallrash dhe/ose Shërbimesh që pranon pagesa përmes skanimit me QR code dhe pagesës me para Elektronike nga Institucioni eReja, për pagimin e mallrave dhe shërbimeve.
- "eReja Service(s)" shall mean the services offered, advertised, administered and owned exclusively by the eReja Institution for the issuance and trading of Electronic Money between Customers based on Transfer Orders, including the registration of all Transactions, verification and confirmation of all Transactions completed, and update of Customer's eReja Institution Account data.
- "Fees" shall mean the fees and other charges incurred under this eReja Institution Services Contract.
- "Credit Transaction" shall mean any transaction entered in the Customer's Account and carried out with Electronic Money, as verified by the eReja Institution.
- “Të dhëna personale” janë çdo informacion në lidhje me një Klient sipas përcaktimeve të legjislacionit shqiptar përkatës.
- Individët që kanë një dokument identifikimi të vlefshëm register to use the eReja application and Service.
- The Customer can register for the benefit of the eReja Services at any eReja Institution Agent, or directly in the eReja application.
- The Customer owes the institution, under the relevant subscription contract, all costs applied to use the application service (if any) for purposes of benefiting from the eReja Services.
- Klienti Aktiv eReja do të paguajë Tarifat e zbatueshme për përdorimin e Shërbimeve Institucioni eReja dhe këto Tarifa mund të zbriten direkt nga Llogaria e Institucionit eReja përkatëse.
- During registration, the Customer must provide complete and accurate information of the following:
- Name / Surname
- Numrin personal të identifikimit
- Adresën e banimit
- Datën e lindjes
- Mobile phone number
- Email address
- Upload a copy of the identification document (Valid identity card or passport)
- Institucioni eReja ka të drejtë që, të refuzojë aplikimin e një personi që dëshiron të bëhet Klient Aktiv eReja, në përputhje me aktet ligjore/nën ligjore dhe rregulloret e brendshme të eReja,
- Upon registering in the eReja application and activating the eReja Account, the Active eReja Customer will have the right to use the eReja Services immediately.
- The eReja Services are made available to the Customer by the eReja application upon signing these Terms & Conditions ..
- The eReja Institution does not guarantee that the eReja Institution Services will be available at any time and is not liable and will not be liable for any damages caused to the eReja Customer, regardless of the cause. The eReja Services are not provided without such defaults and factors, including but not limited to, exceptional events, geographical topography, weather conditions, scheduled maintenance or network works, which may have an adverse effect on the quality and delivery of eReja Services.
- The eReja will not be held responsible for not providing services due to external factors that go beyond the control of the institution.
- In the event that the credentials for the use of the eReja Institution Services are lost or disclosed to a third party, the Customer is obliged to immediately notify the eReja Institution on the loss or disclosure of this data and to request the suspension of the eReja Service.
- By signing the Terms & Conditions, the Customer acknowledges that in order to provide responses to requests, including but not limited to, central and local government or regulatory bodies, the eReja Institution may request personal information or documents of the Customer, including but without limited to the following entities:
- domestic law enforcement authorities
- our service providers
- The Customer must comply with all instructions that may be given and/or published from time to time for the eReja Institution Services.
- Customer's communications with the eReja company will be monitored or recorded for reference purposes in work practices, such as quality control, training, guarantee of an efficient systems operation, improving services and products provided, preventing unauthorized use of telecommunications systems and detection and prevention of criminal activities.
- In accordance with the Albanian legislation and the rules of procedure of the eReja Institution for the suspension of the eReja Service, part of the Customer Guidelines, the eReja Institution may suspend, limit or terminate, in whole or in part, the provision of eReja Services and/or close the Customer Account without prior notification and/or without any obligation whatsoever (although the eReja Institution will take all possible actions to inform the Customer that this action has been performed or will be performed in the following circumstances:
- if the eReja Institution becomes aware or has any reasons to believe that the Customer's account for the use of eReja Services is being used or has been previously used in an unauthorized, illegal, inappropriate or criminal activity;
- if the Customer does not meet the Terms & Conditions on the eReja Services;
- if the Customer notifies that his credentials have been lost or stolen or the password has been lost or found to another party;
- if the Customer uses, or allows the use of the application in a manner that the eReja Institution deems to infringe or impair the operation or security of the eReja network or Services;
- for reasons beyond the control of the eReja Institution, including but not limited to force majeure, measures of relevant regulatory, supervisory or other bodies;
- in cases where eReja closes the account based on these Terms & Conditions.
- To access the eReja Services, the Customer must have an active telephone number and a functional electronic device (mobile, tablet, computer, laptop).
- The eReja Institution will close the eReja Institution Account within 7 (seven) working days upon receipt of the request from the Customer to close the eReja Institution Account.
- If the Customer does not perform any action with his eReja account for a continuous period of 180 days, his/her account will be automatically suspended. The Customer may request the reactivation of his/her account by calling the eReja Customer Service within 30 days from the day of the account suspension. If the Customer does not request the reactivation of the account within 30-day period, his/her eReja Account is permanently deactivated. The Customer, upon deactivation of his/her account, has the right claim the positive balance remaining in his/her account as provided for in this Contract in cash.
- The Customer is entitled to claim the payment of electronic money in accordance with the procedure provided for in Customer's Guidelines section of the eReja Institution Contract.
- The eReja Institution shall not be liable to the Customer for, including but not limited to, any direct, indirect, consequential or special damages arising from an action or omission by eReja Institution or a third party for which the institution is liable, whether these consequences arise due to the Contract with the Customer or any legal provisions relating to and resulting from the closure or suspension of the Customer's eReja Account.
- The eReja Customer can file a complaint/claim for various issues related to the eReja Institution services.
- The eReja Customer can file a complaint/claim for various issues related to the eReja Institution services.
- The deadline for notifying the Customer on the results of the complaint/claim analysis is up to 3 (three) days after its receipt.
- The eReja Institution will maintain a separate register for complaints/claims filed and responses provided, marked with a reference number. This register contains the written complaints, claims or suggestions of the Customers and the answers, decisions and measures taken by the eReja Institution. Attached Annex 1 defines the ways of addressing complaints/claims for services provided by eReja.
- The application downloading and account opening are provided free of charge to all Customers.
- The Fees described under Annex 3 to this Contract, and published on the eReja Institution's Website, are paid for each Transaction performed by the Customer's eReja Institution Account.
- The Fee List shall be changed only by the decision of the eReja Institution and is available on the Website of the eReja Institution and other means of communication of the eReja Institution. Notification on such changes shall be made in accordance with the Terms & Conditions set out in this Contract.
- The eReja Company will withhold from the Customer's eReja Account any Fees payable for each Transaction upon its completion, and the new balance will be displayed in the application.
- All Fees payable by the Customer in connection to the use of the eReja Institution Services and of which the Customer will be deemed to have become aware, will be debited from the respective eReja Account without prior notice.
- To process utility and trade transactions, the Customer must register directly in the application with no need to log in with the network agent.
- To process monetary transfers through the application, the Customer must appear before the network agents in order for the eReja Institution to perform its identity verification, through the agent.
- Debiting from the Customer's Account will be made according to the Transfer Instructions authorized with the credentials set by the Customer during the registration or in any other way that the eReja Institution can notify from time to time (email). Prior to any cash transaction for sending or receiving money, verification of the Customer's identity will be required. The submitted ID card or passport will be registered by the eReja Institution Agent for each sent/received cash transaction.
- The Customer's eReja Account will be credited when Electronic Money is purchased by making a payment or when Electronic Money is transferred to the Customer's eReja Account by another Customer.
- The Customer cannot perform Transactions from the respective eReja Account in case there is not enough Electronic Money in his/her respective Account, to perform the Transaction and to pay the Fees applied and/or in case he/she has reached the allowed limit. (see Limits).).
- The eReja application will seek to verify and confirm all Transactions performed from the Customer's Account, together with the updated balance of the Customer's eReja Account, by sending a notification (SMS, email or push notification). The actions registered in the eReja application will be considered regular until proven otherwise.
- Once registered in the application and opening the eReja Account, the Customer will be able to perform the following Transactions:
- Account crediting - by making a cash payment directly to an eReja Institution Agent in exchange of an equivalent amount of Electronic Money to be credited to the Customer's eReja Institution Account. Once the Credit Transaction has been completed, the eReja Institution system will credit the Customer's eReja Institution Account respectively.
- Account debit by:
- Exchange of Electronic Money with cash with the Agent, by sending the Transfer Instructions to the eReja institution, according to which the eReja Institution Agent will pay the Customer the equivalent amount in cash.
- Transfer of Electronic Money to another Customer, by sending the Transfer Instructions to the eReja Institution for this Customer's eReja Account, specifying the amount to be transferred.
- Blerë mallra dhe shërbime nga Shitësit e Autorizuar me Pakicë përmes QR code.
- Upon completion of the Credit and Debit transactions, the eReja will credit or debit the Customer's eReja Account, as soon as the amount is credited, withdrawn or transferred from the respective eReja Account.
- Transfers to the Passive eReja Institution Customer that are not withdrawn by the recipient within 7 (seven) days from the issuance of the Transfer Order for the transaction in question will be automatically cancelled and the Customer will be sent an SMS notification on the cancellation, together with the Transaction Order. Transactions executed from the eReja application will be charged to the Customer's Account. The Customer acknowledges that, only if and until the eReja Institution receives notice that the relevant account is not secure and/or that the electronic device where the application is used has been lost, stolen, or interfered, the eReja Institution will continue to maintain the account active and perform transactions, even if they were actually made without the authorization of the Customer. The eReja Institution will not require written confirmation of the Transaction Order normally executed through the use of the eReja application.
- The eReja cannot reverse/cancel or recharge the already initiated Transactions, except at the request of the ordering customer, in cases where they contain errors in the recipient's identification data. Details on cancellation of transfers can be found in the Customer's Guidelines.
- The Customer cannot cancel the utility Payment transactions processed in the application, due to the Customer's errors in filling in the data.
- Each Electronic Money Transfer will be accompanied by a unique number (reference) that will be sent with the confirmation SMS together with the updated balance of the respective eReja Account.
- The eReja Institution shall be entitled to change these Terms & Conditions Fees. Këto ndryshime do t’i njoftohen Klientit 7 (shtatë) ditë përpara kryerjes së ndryshimeve me anë të një njoftimi tek numri i telefonit të Klientit i lidhur me Shërbimin eReja, dhe e-mail ose nëpërmjet Faqes së Internetit të Institucionit eReja dhe duke përdorur çdo mjet të përshtatshëm publik. Me kalimin e afatit 7 (shtatë) ditor, Klienti do të konsiderohet se është njoftuar për këto ndryshime.
- Upon continued use of the eReja Services after the entry into force of the amended Terms & Conditions of Use, the Customer will be deemed to have agreed to the changes provided above. If the Customer does not agree with one of the changes, then he/she should not continue to perform Transactions and must appear to one of the eReja Agents to request the termination of the Contract for eReja Institution Services within 7 (seven) days of the notice, otherwise he/she will be deemed to have accepted these changes.
- To secure and protect the application, the Customer will set a password as per the complexity required in the application, in order to log in to the account. The password to this account will be only disclosed to the Customer.
- The customer will be asked to enter a PIN code to authorize access to their eReja account. The PIN is sent to the mobile phone number provided by the Customer.
- Only one phone number and email address can be connected to the Customer's eReja Account at any time and only the Customer can use the respective electronic device.
- The Customer is responsible for the proper storage and use of the electronic device where he/she has downloaded and uses the application, for the storage and maintenance of his credentials and for all Transactions that will be performed in the eReja Account, by using the Username as an identification code. The Customer is responsible for conducting all Transactions in accordance with the provisions laid down in this Contract.
- The eReja Customer is obliged to immediately notify the eReja Institution on the change of personal data.
- The Customer must immediately notify the eReja Institution Customer Service and provide them with the required identity details in the event of any of the following:
- It is evidenced that an abuse or fraudulent activity has occurred in connection with the PIN code and that through this action third parties have gained access to the eReja Institution Account;
- Transactions are performed without the prior approval of the Customer;
- There is an irregularity or discrepancy in the balance of the eReja Customer's Account;
- The Customer's Account has been destroyed, misused, lost, forged/copied.
- The eReja Institution ensures the confidentiality of the Customer's personal data and its Transactions, in accordance with the legislation in force and the provisions of this Contract. In particular, the eReja Institution undertakes to preserve confidentiality of eReja Customers and to treat the personal data of the Customer's with due care, in accordance with the legislation in force and the permitted scope of the commercial activity.
- As long as they are owned by the eReja Institution, the eReja Institution will collect and store the personal data of its Customers (including information on Transactions and personal information provided through this Contract and the Registration Form) in accordance with the business needs and Terms & Conditions set by the legislation in force and the internal regulations of the Electronic Money Institution, and it will make this information available to the Customers upon their submission of the written request.
- After signing this Contract, the Customer acknowledges and accepts that the eReja Institution or eReja Agents may contact the Customer from time to time by mail, telephone, email or SMS for updates on the service provided and received by the Customer ( e.g. provision of customer care services, debit/credit statement, account blocking, returns, etc.).
- The Customer shall pay all applicable Fees for the Transactions performed, whether performed by him/her or by any other person without the authorization or knowledge of the Customer.
- The Customer is the sole person to be held liable for securing the application and its credentials, as instructed in this Contract.
- The Customer shall be held liable for ensuring confidentiality when filling in his/her personal data.
- The Customer must not use the eReja Services to perform actions in violation of Albanian legislation.
- The Customer must not use eReja Services for purposes other than those predetermined herein.
- The Customer shall be held liable for the accuracy of his/her identification and supplementary data, as filled in in the application at the time of opening the account, or when disclosing such personal data to a Network Agent.
- All eReja Network Agents represent authorized sale points, who act independently from the eReja Institution.
- The eReja Institution shall not be liable for any losses that the Customer may incur while using the eReja application, unless losses are caused when:
- The transaction was not executed or was executed incorrectly; and
- In case of errors or inaccuracies caused by the eReja Institution related to the maintenance of the Customer's eReja Account.
- Coverage of financial liabilities pursuant to the above provisions, shall only include:
- the amount of the transaction not executed or executed incorrectly;
- the amount required to restore the Customer's eReja Institution Account balance to the previous state, before performing the Unauthorized Transaction.
- The eReja will not be held liable for losses incurred due to malfunction, default or delays in electronic communications networks, mobile devices or other devices used by the Customer, resulting from circumstances beyond reasonable control.
- The Customer may obtain a balance report from the electronic device where he/she accesses the application and requests information about the Transactions performed through the electronic device, either by appearing at the eReja Agents or by calling the eReja Customer's Service as described in the Customer's Guidelines.
- The printed statements of the respective eReja Account may be made available to the Customer upon request of the latter. The procedures for this service are set out in the Customer's Guidelines.
- The eReja Institution is entitled to send the Customer any information and notifications regarding this Contract and the eReja Services provided by the eReja Institution, which are received by the Customer, through SMS as well as other means of communication and to the addresses that the Customer has entered on the Registration Form.
- Any notice sent from the Customer to the eReja Institution should be addressed to the following address: Company "eReja Institution" sh.p.k, RR. Bardhok Biba, LID Building, 9th Floor Tirana, or by contacting the Customer Service, at +355 69 20 88 200.
- This Contract, as may be amended from time to time, constitutes a legally binding agreement for the Customer, the Customer's heirs and the persons authorized by the Customer.
- This Contract may not be transferred or assigned to any other person.
- If a provision in these Terms & Conditions is declared invalid or unenforceable by a competent court or administrative body, the invalidity and enforceability of this provision will not affect the validity and/or applicability of other provisions of this Contract.
- On the official website of the eReja Institution, in the Customer's Guidelines section, you can find: all relevant instructions for using the eReja Services and execution of Transactions, devices eligible for eReja Services, services and transactions provided by the eReja Institution and executed through the eReja application;
- User fees and minimum & maximum transaction limits allowed can be found in the official website of eReja Institution.
- The eReja Institution shall not be held liable to Customers for any indirect damages that may occur as a result of acts or omissions of third parties related to eReja Institution due to contractual or legal provisions.
- The Customer understands and acknowledges that his/her conversations with the eReja Customer Service will be recorded and stored by the eReja Institution in accordance with the provisions of the Albanian legislation in force.
- All copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights used in providing the eReja Institution Services are registered under the eReja Institution ownership. You can not generate any benefit therefrom.
- This Contract and the Terms & Conditions set out herein are drafted in accordance with the Albanian legislation. Any possible disputes that may arise between the parties during the term of this Contract will be settled by the Tirana Judicial District Court.
- The eReja Institution is obliged to hear any request from the Customer on any disputes that may arise in connection with the Transactions.
- The Contract is concluded for an indefinite period of time, starting from the date the Contract is signed by the Customer, which is signed mutually and at the same time with the Registration Form.
- 2. Each of the parties has the right to request the unilateral termination of the Contract in accordance with its provisions, giving the other party 30 (thirty) days advanced written.The procedure for terminating the Contract,(at the request of the Customer or otherwise) shall be explained in Annex 1, which constitutes an integral part of this Contract.
- In the event that eReja Institution provides other services to the Customer or makes other specific offers, which will be limited for consumption in time, the Terms & Conditions of this Contract shall apply to the extent that they do not constitute a breach of specific Terms & Conditions of the relationship with respect to the respective offer.
- The Customer fully acknowledges the Terms & Conditions set out herein, and accepts them without any reserves.
- This Contract and its Annexes are compiled in 2 (two) copies, which have the same content in the Albanian language, of which 1 (one) copy is kept by the eReja Institution and 1 (one) is kept by the eReja Institution Customer. Both copies are signed and stamped by the Parties.
- In case these Terms & Conditions are accepted online, by clicking the "Accept" button, the Customer automatically confirms that he/she agrees with this "Contract" and its provisions.
- The Customer is deemed to have accepted the relevant Terms & Conditions and Fees, as will be amended from time to time, and which become effective upon signature/online acceptance, prior to completing the Registration Form.
Annex 1 of the Terms & Conditions of the eReja Institution Service provision
- Guidelines on the Complaint Filing Procedure and their resolution
The eReja Institution Customers may file complaints on various issues related to eReja Institution Services. Below you will find a list communication channels where the eReja Institution Customers may file a complaint:
- Free calls to the Dedicated eReja Institution Customer Service number +355 69 20 88 200. The service is available 24/7.
- Dyqanet e autorizuara të shoqërisë eReja gjatë orëve të punës së këtyre dyqaneve.
- Written complaint filed through the postal service to the official address of the company "eReja Institution" sh.p.k, Rruga Bardhok Biba, LID building, 9th floor, Tirana.
- Electronic mail by filing the complaint to the e-mail address: [email protected] . [email protected] .
Complaints, depending on the type, are reviewed by the relevant structures of the company eReja Institution sh.p.k, based on the information received from branches or other sectors according to the relevant rules and the solution is given in accordance with the Terms & Conditions set out herein, for the service provision of the eReja Institution.
The deadline for notifying the Customer on the results of the complaint analysis is up to 3 (three) days after its receipt.
The eReja Institution will maintain a separate register for complaints filed and responses provided, marked with a reference number. This register contains the written complaints, claims or suggestions of the Customers and the answers, decisions and measures taken by the eReja Institution.- Instructions on addressing of the requests for Transactions performed and balance of the eReja Institution
The eReja registered Customers can be informed about the status of their Account in the following ways:
- Mobile device:All registered eReja Institution Customers can check the status of their Account as well as the latest Transactions performed through the APP they receive eReja Services.
- Visit to the eReja Agents to submit a Request for Statement of Transactions. This request is filed for the receipt of the Account Statement in printed form for the time term as requested by the Customer. The eReja Institution reserves the right to set a fee for the provision of this service. The request is completed at the store and the Statement of Transactions should be withdrawn from the same store where the request is made within 10 (ten) business days and after receiving a confirmation call from the eReja Customer Service.
- Call the eReja Institution Customer Serviceat +355 69 20 88 200 to request information on the Status of the Account. In this case, in order to verify his/her identity as the Account Holder, the Customer must correctly answer the questions of the eReja Institution operator for the verification of personal identity data.
- Transaction Limit
- In accordance with the applicable regulatory acts, a limit of transactions has been set for customers according to the Limit Table in Annex 2.
- The Customer may credit his/her eReja account commission-free, through his/her Visa or MasterCard/Maestro card or through e-banking.
- Instructions on the procedure for the termination of the Contract with eReja and closing of the eReja Account
Termination of the Contract with the eReja Institution sh.p.k and consequently the eReja Account closing can be done in one of the following cases:
- At the request of the Customer'/authorized representative
The Customer or his/her authorized legal representative may expressly request in writing the termination of the Contract with the eReja company, and consequently the closure of the relevant eReja Account.
The request can be filed with all authorized stores of the company by filling in and signing a Request Form for Termination of the Contract and closure of the Account.In this case, before compiling the request, the Customer must withdraw the remaining balance (if any) in his account.
- For other reasons
In the cases provided in the Terms & Conditions for the eReja Service provision and/or in cases of any illicit activities with the eReja Account by the Customer, the eReja Institution, generally or at the request of authorized governmental bodies, may suspend and/or permanently close the eReja Institution Account, and/or block/cancel the funds available in the Account.
In the Customer's account has a remaining balance, the following steps are followed to withdraw funds from a closed Account:
The Customer or his/her authorized legal representative expressly submits a written request to withdraw funds at one of the authorized points of the eReja Institution. Upon approval of the request and within 10 (ten) business days, the Customer is transferred the money through an eReja transfer to his/her bank account or otherwise, in cash with one of the Network Agents.
- Procedure for the cancellation of eReja Transactions
The Customer can request the cancellation of a Transaction performed from his/her eReja account by calling the Dedicated Institution eReja Customer Service on +355 69 20 88 200 within 3 (three) hours from the moment of the Transaction..
The reason for the request is that the Customer has made a payment to the wrong person (recipient/beneficiary) or has placed an incorrect amount.
To initiate the cancellation of the Transaction, it is necessary that the amount of the Transaction requested to be cancelled be fully refundable, which means that the recipient/beneficiary has the full amount available in his/her Account.
If the above terms are met, then the eReja Customer Service will contact the recipient from 08:00 - 20:00 to obtain his/her approval for the cancellation of the Transaction.
Unë i/e nënshkruari/a____________________, kam lexuar, jam njohur dhe pranoj Kushtet e Përgjithshme të Kontratës eReja – Klient
Emër Mbiemër Firmë
Emër Mbiemër Firmë
Aneks 2
CURRENCY Shuma Maksimale e mbushjes së llogarisë Shuma Maksimale e Balancës Ditore Maximum Amount of Transfer/Payment Minimum Amount of Account Crediting Maximum Daily Amount of all transactions Maximum Monthly Amount of Account Crediting performed by the Customer Minimum Amount of a Transfer/Payment Minimum Balance Amount ALL 99,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 100 250,000.00 700,000.00 100.00 0 EUR 800.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 6,000.00 1.00 0
Kushtet e punes eReja shpk | |||
Amount | Commission payable by the Customer | CURRENCY | |
Pagesa të UK | 28 | ALL | |
Payments of road police fines and the Tirana Municipality | 50 | ALL | |
Pagesa të FSHU | Commission-free | ALL | |
E-TOPUP Vodafone | Commission-free | ALL | |
E-TOPUP ONE | Commission-free | ALL | |
TRAK | |||
Amount | Commission payable by the Customer | CURRENCY | |
0.1 -5,500 | 250 | ALL | |
5,501 – 15,000 | 350 | ALL | |
15,001 – 30,000 | 550 | ALL | |
30,001 – 50,000 | 1,500 | ALL | |
50,001 – 60,000 | 1,700 | ALL | |
60,001 – 80,000 | 2,000 | ALL | |
80,001 – 100,000 | 2,300 | ALL | |
100,001 – 200,000 | 3,000 | ALL | |
>200,001 | 4,000 | ALL | |
00.01 – 50 | 2 | EUR / USD | |
50.01 – 150 | 3 | EUR / USD | |
150.01 – 300 | 4 | EUR / USD | |
300.01 – 500 | 12 | EUR / USD | |
500.01 – 700 | 15 | EUR / USD | |
700.01 – 1,000 | 20 | EUR / USD | |
1,000.01 – 2,000 | 25 | EUR / USD | |
> 2,000.01 | 40 | EUR / USD | |
0-250 | 2,99 | EUR | |
250.01 — 500 | 5,99 | EUR | |
500.01 – 1,500 | 9,99 | EUR | |
1,500.01 – 2,000 | 35 | EUR | |
Withdrawal + deposit (Individual eReja Account) | |||
Terheqje ne Leke | 0.25% e shumes se terhequr (min 50 leke / max. 500 leke) | ALL | |
Terheqje ne Euro | 0.25% e shumes se terhequr (min 0.5 euro/ max. 5 euro) | EUR | |
Terheqje ne USD | 0.5% e shumes se terhequr (min 1 usd/ max. 15 usd) | EUR | |
Derdhje ne llogari (ne agjent) | 50 Leke | ALL | |
Derdhje ne llogari (ne agjent) | 0.5 Euro | EUR | |
Derdhje ne llogari (nga banka) | 2% e vleres | ALL/EUR | |
scan to pay Payments | |||
Pagesa me QR ne Tregtar | Commission-free | ALL, EUR, USD | |
eReja Account Transactions | |||
Account opening | Commission-free | ALL , EUR, USD | |
Account maintenance | Commission-free | ALL , EUR, USD | |
P2P cdo lloj shume brenda limiteve te miratuara | Commission-free | ALL , EUR, USD | |
* Vitin e pare pa komision më tej 50 leke / 0.5 euro në muaj |